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TUC Equality Audit 2022

Report type
Research and reports
Issue date

Since 2003 the TUC Equality Audit has provided a yardstick to measure how the trade union movement is promoting equality for all and working to eliminate all forms of harassment, prejudice and unfair discrimination, both within its own structures and through all its activities. This audit has highlighted the progress that has been made since 2018 and examples of the work unions are doing that can be used as best practice for others.

From the analysis of the results, the key areas for action for the movement are first to improve the quality and consistency of monitoring of union members and activists. Monitoring is the first step to identifying whether those from equality groups are active in our structures; from here we can establish why and tackle any barriers to involvement. The audit shows that we cannot be confident in the data we do hold and the need to do more to improve this.

As trade unionists we know representation is not enough, so the second area of action is to ensure that equality groups have voice within our movement via elected positions, for example workplace representatives, reserved seats and structures such as equality conferences. The audit shows a mixed picture, with improvements in some areas such as the number of unions with reserved equality seats but less progress in others, for example a decline in national equality conferences.

Finally, for the first time affiliates were asked if they had done any specific work to prevent sexual harassment of their staff in the last four years alongside other questions on bullying and harassment across their structures. The audit highlights the need for us to do more as a movement to build preventative cultures and tackle sexual harassment.

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