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We all have rights at work, which are guaranteed by law. When working people understand their rights and stand together to ensure they’re respected, everyone is better off.

Your rights at work come from two main places. First, you have statutory rights, which are rights guaranteed by law. Then you have contractual rights, which are contained in your contract of employment. Your contract of employment can’t take away any of your statutory rights.

Your rights can be broken into two main groups: individual rights, such as protection against discrimination, and group rights, such as union recognition.

If you think your rights are being breached, there are lots of ways you can take action. 

But employers are most likely to pay attention when workers act together. Unions exist to help workers get together, to stop unfair treatment and to make the world of work better for everyone.

This section offers basic information on your rights and on how to enforce them.

But it shouldn’t be taken as legal or financial advice. The law is complex and every case is different. Before taking any action, you should seek individual advice from your union or a qualified adviser.

Who is entitled to minimum pay?
Nearly all workers aged 16 and over, including part-time workers, fixed-term workers, agency workers, casuals, those working on 'zero hours' contracts and homeworkers, are entitled to the National Minimum Wage...
Am I allowed time off work to see my doctor?
There is no general legal requirement for your employer to give you time off for medical appointments. Whatever entitlement you have to time off to visit the doctor will depend on your individual employment  contract.

Some employers may require you to take annual leave, or take the time unpaid. On the other hand, many employers will be flexible on this, and it may be worth asking your employer if you can make up the time later.
Am I entitled to a workplace pension?
All employers must offer a workplace pension scheme by law. You, your employer and the government pay into your pension.
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