Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we work and, alongside boosting productivity, offers an opportunity to improve working lives. But new technologies also pose risks: more inequality and discrimination, unsafe working conditions, and unhealthy blurring of the boundaries between home and work.
The TUC believes we are now at a crucial moment in the AI-driven technological workplace revolution.
These reports are part of the TUC project on AI and the employment relationship.
TUC research revealed that only 28 per cent of workers are comfortable with technology being used to make decisions about people at work.
This report highlights the implications of AI being used to make decisions about people at work by considering:
Our report is informed by a TUC survey of both workers and trade union reps, as well as BritainThinks polling and a literature review.
Download report (pdf)
AI systems present opportunities for all, but these new technologies must be deployed in the right way. This report sets out the legal redress available to workers when AI decision-making goes wrong, explores gaps in the law and guidance (illustrated by case studies), and goes on to make recommendations for reform.
Download report (pdf)
In this manifesto, we highlight the values we should all adopt to make sure that technology at work is for the benefit of everyone, and to reassert the importance of human agency in the face of technological control. We also set out our detailed proposals for change.
There are many different options open to unions when it comes to dealing with the problems caused by AI. This guide for reps sets outs how AI systems work, what the implications are for workers and unions, and some of the solutions unions can provide.
This guide follows on from When AI is the Boss. It will help you:
- develop their understanding of digital management systems and the implications for workers
- get ready to negotiate with an employer about the use of digital management systems
- establish a collective agreement with provisions on digital management systems
- put together union training programmes on the above.
Download guide (pdf)
This interactive guide will:
- introduce you to the digital systems being used to manage workers
- detail the harms and benefits artificial intelligence may bring
- show you how to explain the issues to others and prepare you to support your union in negotiating agreements on this issue.
Watch our panel of speakers discuss artificial intelligence (AI) and its growing impact on jobs and workplaces and its increasing involvement in managing people at work.
Work is a huge part of all our lives. It matters to all of us that we get this technological revolution right. Please support our values and proposals for change.
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