Working weekEmployees and workers have the right not to work more than 48 hours a week on average. This is calculated over a 17-week period. They may sign a clause in their contract giving up their right to work a maximum of 48 hours a week, but they may not be pressured into giving up this right. If they change their mind and want to enforce their right to do no more than 48 hours a week they can do so by informing their employer that they no longer wish to opt out of their working time rights, although they may have to wait a few weeks for it to take effect. A trade union official will be able to provide guidance. |
Night workEmployees or workers employed on night shifts should not work more than eight hours at night every 24-hours. This is calculated by working out an average over a 17-week period, or the contract period if it is shorter than this. Example: an agency worker employed for one month should not work more than an average of 48 hours night work a week over a 4 week period. Workers must be offered a free health assessment before becoming night workers by their employer and on a regular basis after this. |
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