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HeartUnions rising to the challenge listening brunch - recruiting and organising in difficult times 
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Event details
Tue, 14 Feb 2023 - 10:00 to 11:30

TUC Northern Office
Unite Building
1st Floor, John Dobson Street
Newcastle Upon Tyne
United Kingdom


Are you a rep struggling to recruit and organise? Or maybe you've had some recent successes which you're willing to share?

As part of HeartUnions week TUC Northern are hosting a recruitment and organising listening event.

The event aims to bring together reps and officers from across the movement to share their current experiences of recruiting and organising in such difficult times. Whether these are good, bad, or a bit of both! 

The session will enable attendees to help, learn from and support one another. 

It will also help us at the TUC to better understand the challenges you face, enabling us to ensure our work supports you to overcome them. 

A tasty buffet brunch will also be on offer! 

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