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Diversifying the Reps Base
This event has ended
Event details
Mon, 30 Oct 2023 - 10:00 to 16:00

Congress House
Great Russell Street
United Kingdom


We are excited to announce an upcoming event aimed at empowering our trade union movement with the tools and strategies to recruit more diverse representatives. As we champion growing and diversifying our reps base. Your participation is essential in driving positive change within our unions.

This event is a unique opportunity to gain insights, share experiences, build confidence and collaborate with fellow members, reps and officials across unions. By enhancing our organising strategies, we can create a more vibrant and inclusive environment that truly represents the diverse voices within our workforce.

Please mark your calendars and be prepared for an engaging and informative event. Your active participation will contribute to the growth and strength of our trade unions.
Let's come together to make a difference. 


We want everyone attending TUC events to have a safe and enjoyable experience. If you require any adjustments or assistance to participate at this event, please let us know.

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