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There is no tomorrow, only now

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As TUC Young Workers Month gets underway, I want more young people to get involved in their union and get active. We all have a part to play in making sure we are a movement that is vibrant, growing and winning.

We have seen a shift in the trade union movement in the last couple of years. Young workers have demanded more from society and government

The trade union movement must respond and see that the young workers are our movement and have more to offer then to just being a tick box recruitment exercise. Young workers experience many of the inequalities that affect all our members.

We know that the trade union movement has been attacked from all sides with battles around pay, housing, health care, travel, education and inequalities. This has caused our fight to be tougher than ever before but not unachievable.

I have seen the power of young members stepping up to the mark. We’ve seen them at the picket line, on TV, in workplaces, local communities, standing up to protect our rights, services and livelihoods. These young workers are spreading the word and getting involved.

I am proud of the young workers that are getting involved but more can be done. I know that we are the movement and that we can demand more from ourselves and others. The proof is in our actions and engagement with all.

Our young workers are organising, running branches, campaigning, leading the picket line, raising concerns, teaching and delivering for members. I know there is more for us to learn and we are eager and ready.

Being a member of the union is a great first step but we need our young members to be active members building on the energy we have seen. I want to hear from you and see you get involved with your union and TUC. And see unions not only recruiting but supporting young members to get active and removing barriers in their way.

There is no tomorrow, only now.

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