We have made great strides recently in supporting, promoting and protecting rights to use Welsh at work. We’ve made several internal operational steps in addition to our Cynnig Cymraeg, which include launching a bilingual telephone answering service.
And we’ve established Fforwm y Gymraeg. This is a space for trade unionists to share experiences involving Welsh at work, worker rights, including workplace learning, and to discuss how Wales TUC can support trade unions with their Welsh language services.
Join our Fforwm y Gymraeg
We are proud to be expanding our Welsh language work to helping trade unions to improve their Welsh language services offer. This can include working towards the Welsh Language Commissioner’s Cynnig Cymraeg (Welsh Offer) recognition.
Whether you are beginning the journey of offering Welsh language services or have already made progress, Wales TUC is here to help all affiliated trade unions. We will guide you on your journey using the experience we have gained in:
- developing our own Welsh language policy
- gaining the recognition of the Welsh Language Commissioner’s Cynnig Cymraeg (The Welsh Offer)
- discussing experiences of other unions
Find out more about the Welsh Advantage for Unions.
If your union is ready to discuss getting Welsh language support to develop your internal services please contact me on mjames@tuc.org.uk
Supporting Welsh language rights in the workplace is a key part of unions’ beliefs in fair work, equality and social justice. As trade unionists we promote equality and diversity and want to ensure social inclusion in terms of the Welsh language:
Unions promote and protect workers’ freedom and rights to use Welsh in the workplace as part of our goals for fair work, equality and social justice.
Unions work with the Welsh Government and employers in social partnership and in accordance with the Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Act 2023. A statutory duty is placed on certain public bodies to seek consensus or compromise with their recognised trade unions (or where there is no recognised trade union other representatives of their staff), when setting their well-being objectives and delivering on those objectives.
A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language is one of the well-being goals in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. But a thriving Welsh language goes hand in hand with access to local jobs, homes, education and services.
And so promoting and protecting the rights of workers to use and learn Welsh in the workplace means workers can stay in local jobs and Welsh communities are protected too.
Find out more about your right to use Welsh at work including leaflets you can share with your colleagues.