Working people have had enough. Everything’s going up but our wages.
Ministers partied while people died. They did nothing while P&O lays off hundreds of workers on the spot. And they dithered and delayed whilst living standards plummeted.
It’s time for a new deal for working people. We need help with energy bills and a real pay rise for every worker.
Let’s take matters into our own hands – and get out on the streets.
On 18 June, in London, let’s tell this government: we DEMAND better.
And more than that: we demand a government that listens and acts to support working people.
Bring your banners, your placards and signs.
Bring your workmates, your family and friends.
Invite local community organisations, foodbanks and allies
Let’s make some noise, get out on the streets and start the push back: WE DEMAND BETTER.
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