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Hear about the TUC Anti-Racism Taskforce plans to fundamentally change how the race union movement organises, negotiates, and public campaigns on anti-racism. The Taskforce is also working on making the trade union movement more representative of Black workers in their elected and full-time structures.
Attend workshops run by members of the TUC Anti-Racism Taskforce to put forward your views and make suggestions on what trade unions need to change to improve Black and Minority Ethnic workers' lives. The numbers attending each workshop will be limited.
Participate in an international event on how we can 'Make Black Lives Matter' through renewing the building of a worldwide anti-racist movement.
A webinar on race, COVID-19 and the vaccine will provide an opportunity to hear more about drug development and safety what the vaccine does to your immune system and the day-to-day impact of the vaccine program.
Join the World Against Racism global rally to mark the United Nations Day Against Racism, Xenophobia and Related Intolerances
You can sign up to register to attend the events you wish to participate in the link below.
Racism a Trade Union response
Time: 14.00 - 15.00
Members from the TUC Anti-Racism Taskforce will explore how we can use the Black Lives Matters campaign's momentum to make trade unions more effective at fighting racism and more inclusive for Black workers.
Making Black Lives Matter
Time: 16.00-17.30
An international panel of speakers from Brazil, India, Palestine, South Africa and the USA will discuss how we can reinvigorate and rebuild and international anti-racism movement
Art Exhibition Launch
Time 18.00-19.30
Our annual TUC Black Workers' exhibition is moving online and will be launched in conjunction with 'Artists Union of England'. An opportunity to see and hear from young creative and radical Black artists taking part in the exhibition.
We are running four workshops that will give you a chance to input into the TUC Anti-Racism Taskforce work. The workshops will be led by members from each of the TUC Anti-Racism Taskforce workstreams and provide an opportunity to discuss questions on each area in breakout rooms. Numbers for the workshops will be limited, so if you want to get involved sign up as soon as possible.
Workshop One – Organising will explore
Time: 10.00 -11.15
Workshop Two- Negotiating and Collective Bargaining
Time: 11.30 - 12.45
Workshop Three - Public Policy
Time: 14.00 - 15.15
Workshop Four - Black Unions and Representation
Time: 15.30 -16.45
Race, COVID–19 and the Vaccine
Time: 14.00 – 15.30
A panel of experts will inform you about Vaccine development, how the Covid -19 vaccine works with the immune system and how the vaccination program is impacting BME communities.
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