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TUC SW Young Organisers' Network

The TUC South West's new Young Organisers' Network is a solidarity and training space for young activists from TUC-affiliated unions. We will come together to grapple with the challenges facing young workers today, get our hands dirty with organising and training, and deepen youth engagement in all areas of the trade union movement.
Recognising that many young workers make a start in precarious and low-paid work, the network weaves elements of training and development alongside the general principle of a network of solidarity.

It aims to give our young activists a jumpstart on organising skills, provide a space to share what impacts them, and cultivate a safe environment to workshop plans and strategy for effective workplace organising.

Who is eligible to join?

Any young person who is a member of a TUC affiliated union living or working in the South West Region. The definition of "young member" in this instance is being accepted as - if your union considers you a young member, then so do we.

Union members do not have to be active reps in order to be eligible to join the network.

You will need sign-off from a union officer to join the network.

What will the network do?

The inaugural year of the network will see young workers building a foundation through a guided online webinar series paired with unique seminars; plus visits to Bristol for networking and organising practice, the Channel Islands to develop outside-the-box organising strategies, and a Strategic Planning Residential in September to bring everything together and work collectively to tackle the unique challenges of individuals' workplaces.

Is there a cost to join the network?
Online webinars and training sessions are organised and provided by the TUC South West. Travel and accommodation and other expenses to attend these should be financially supported by your union or branch in the first instance.
Please reach out to the TUC South West if costs are a concern to your involvement with the Network.
Is there a closing date to sign up to the network?
Registration does not close; this is a network rather than a training programme. We have measures in place to ensure new participants can get caught up with the programme. This is to ensure maximum accessibility for a group of workers disproportionately in areas with high workplace turnover.
How do I sign up?
Fill in this expression of interest form. Please ensure your union is aware of your application; if this is a challenge, we will work with you to secure their support for your involvement in the network.
I have further questions about the Network. How can I contact you to discuss them?
Reach out to Sadie Fulton at to discuss any questions you may have.


Key Dates

6 Feb    Launch meeting: introductions and objectives
21 Feb    Seminar: overview and mapping
5 Mar    Seminar: building a team & challenges for young workers
5-6 Apr    Training weekend - Bristol
    - Conversations and campaigning
    - Digital Tools
    - Rep roles & branch structures
22 May    Seminar: What is a trades council?
30 May    Seminar: Bringing it all together
12 June    Seminar: Planning for young workers' engagement at the Tolpuddle Martyrs' Festival
19-21 July    Tolpuddle Martyrs' Festival
30 Aug - 1 Sep    Strategic Planning Residential
    - Bringing it back to our unions
    - Deepening engagement
    - Building an action plan (at work and in the wider movement)
    - Patrols and campaigning
19 September (tentative) Channel Islands Strategy Summit
   - YON to engage with a wider group of Island officers and activists on Jersey and Guernsey on how to establish stronger workers' rights on the islands
14-18 October (tentative) Organising week - Channel Islands
    - Rights at work
    - Social movements
    - National campaigns
    - Media engagement
    - Internationalism
    - Linking causes and solidarity

Ready to join the network? Fill in the expression of interest form here.

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