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TUC Northern Bereavement Toolkit

Bereavement is a very personal experience and we all respond differently following the death of someone close to us. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. It is, understandably, a very sensitive topic and because of its nature it can be perceived as a difficult issue to address. 

The toolkit is a comprehensive digital resource that covers all aspects of bereavement. It provides practical information, advice and guidance for organisations, HR teams, line managers and individuals, whether they are directly affected, or supporting a colleague through the loss of a loved one, friend or co-worker. 

Contents include:

  • A FAQ section.
  • A best practice template Bereavement Policy.
  • Guidance on how to interact with a bereaved person.
  • Ensuring equality and diversity is considered.
  • Signposting to additional support mechanisms.

There are also multiple case studies to demonstrate practical application.

The Toolkit is available to all Trade Union Reps to help support them in their respective roles and facilitate a best practice response to a sensitive topic.

The Better Health at Work Award is a partnership public health programme, supported by participating local authorities in the North East and Cumbria and coordinated by the Northern TUC.

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