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About this resource


For over two decades union learning representatives (ULRs) have enabled hundreds of thousands of union learners to gain and develop the skills they need to progress at work and prepare for the challenges of the years ahead, find out more in this interactive guide.

Who is this interactive guide for?

This guide is for anyone who wants to find out more about union learning. It explains what a union learning representative is and how union members' lives have been changed through learning.

How will this guide help me?

This guide will:

  • explains the role and key tasks of the ULR
  • identify the benefits of union learning
  • detail the key role of the ULRs in promoting them to members, unions, other ULRs and employers.

How do I complete it?

All you need is an internet-enabled mobile device (a phone or tablet) or a computer. Do as little or as much as you like each time you log on — your progress will always be saved. Next time you log on just pick up where you left off, this one will take you about 15-30 minutes to complete. 

(You may have to register/login to access the guide)

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