The priorities of Bristol’s next elected mayor matter to working people. It is important that they vote whether they support the position of mayor or not. The Bristol mayor has the authority of leadership well beyond the strict powers of the position. The mayor can take a lead on developing a vision for the city for the benefit of all its citizens.
Such a vision should include challenging the current unacceptable levels of inequality. Where you live in Bristol is a key determinate in whether you go to university, your career, life chances, health and even life expectancy.
Employment and the quality of work is crucial and the mayor can champion decent work opportunities and expose the bad employers. More powers of skills funding look set to be devolved just as the cash has been slashed by government. Unions can play a key part in providing support to workers but also in contributing to the decision over spending priorities.
Getting to and from work relies on efficient and affordable public transport as well as an effective road network. The controversial issues around Bristol’s transport system deserve a thorough debate during the mayoral election.
The issue of housing is rising up the political agenda. Young people in particular know the vital need to address the shortage of decent homes to rent and buy at reasonable costs. Trade unions believe the answer is a revival of council housing as well as a drive to build affordable homes for sale.
This trade union statement highlights some of the key issues that matter to working people in Bristol. Unions want workers to vote and participate in the life of their city. Unions want to work with good employers and a city leadership that recognises the importance of trade unions and the voice of working people.
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