Strengthening democracy and accountability in the Eswatini trade union movement
TUC Aid Project
Report type
Research and reports
Project summary
Funded by TUC Aid
This project is being delivered by the Trade Union Congress of Swaziland (Eswatini) TUCOSWA in partnership with ITUC Africa
Project budget: £5,940.30
Timescale: 10-12 months starting in September 2024
The Kingdom of Eswatini is ruled by an absolute monarch and trade union rights are severely curtailed. The trade union movement is at the forefront of the struggle for democracy. Through training and education, this project aims to strengthen the democratic structures of TUCOSWA, as part of enabling workers to build democratic and accountable unions, states and institutions.
This project builds on previous work to promote respect for human and trade union rights and democracy in Eswatini – with TUCOSWA. In 2022, TUC Aid/TUC worked with TUCOSWA and ITUC to publish the report: ‘Holding eSwatini to Account: Assessing the Country’s Compliance with the Commonwealth Charter’. The report included a number of recommendations focused on democratic reforms and ensuring respect for ILO fundamental rights at work. This was used for advocacy with the UK government and shared with the government of Eswatini and the Commonwealth Secretariat.
This project will:
- Strengthen the democratic structures of TUCOSWA by helping to operationalise 6 Local Shop Stewards Councils through training and subsequent elections of council leaders.
- Enable members at the grassroots to be involved in democratic decision making and policy making within TUCOSWA, and to play a role in increasing accountability within the movement.
- Support TUCOSWA and its affiliates in their wider work to promote democratic reforms in Eswatini and to build democratic institutions.
Project activities
- Recruitment of a trainer, development of training materials and delivery of training. The training will focus on: democracy, trade union democracy and structures, the role of a union shop steward at the workplace and in the community, federations policies and gender equality.
- Training for members of the Local Shop Stewards Councils in Nhlangano, Manzini, Mhlume, Siteki, Lavumisa, and Piggs Peak. There will be 30 participants per training (180 total participants).
- Shop stewards will then elect the leaders of the Local Shop Stewards Council (chair, vice-chair and secretary). Guidance on elections, including representation, will be provided to members.
- Training handouts and stationary for participants.
Project outcomes
- 6 Local Shop Stewards Councils will be operationalised, functioning and have elected leaders.
- 180 shop stewards who have taken part in training will have a better understanding of democracy and structures, accountability, and policy making.
- Local Shop Stewards Councils will provide reports to TUCOSWA's National Organising Secretary on their functioning and effectiveness after the project ends. The trade union movement in Eswatini will be more democratic and accountable.
- The shop stewards sometimes serve or participate in various community councils and committees, their trainings would assist in their conduct during such meetings which by extension can also benefit community debates, specifically on issues relating to democracy and women's participation in the highly patriarchal society that Eswatini is.
- Having more democratic and accountable trade unions will support the wider struggle for democracy and respect for human and labour rights in Eswatini.