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<p>by Nigel Costley, Regional Secretary South West TUC</p>

by Nigel Costley, Regional Secretary South West TUC

Every day since the coalition took power, 90 public sector workers in the South West have lost their jobs.

With every job a valuable piece of public service has gone too. And the cuts are actually making the economy worse!

No wonder people are angry. No wonder thousands of people from the South West will, like me, be marching in London on October 20th for a Future That Works.

It is becoming clear to everyone that the present polices are not working. If this out-of-touch government continues with the cuts that have already cost 80,000 jobs in the region, we face losing a decade.

Unless policies change, the economy will not grow, incomes will continue to be squeezed and there will be almost no new jobs.

To close the deficit we need a healthy growing economy that generates tax income, but austerity has led to a vicious circle of decline.

Instead of just letting the banks go back to business and bonuses as usual, we need policies that promote new and old industries - an approach that would create jobs especially for young people.

It would encourage companies to raise average pay, penalise big bonuses and invest in training and new industries. It would crack down on tax evasion by big companies and the super-rich, and it would tackle the growing inequality between the super-rich and everyone else.

Rather than deep, rapid spending cuts, we need to reverse our decline and build an economy that works for ordinary families.

It is members of these ordinary families who will be marching on October 20th, showing the government the strength of their feelings, telling ministers and MPs they are out of touch with the harsh reality of the recession, the damaging effects on everyday lives of cuts in public services, the relentless squeeze of incomes and the struggle of trying to survive on lower earnings.

The government tells us we must accept the cuts as a foul-tasting medicine. Why people are so angry is the medicine doesn't work, which is what really leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.

Details of unions organising transport to London from across the region.

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