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NEW TUC analysis shows potential options for taxing wealth – based on Spain’s model – could raise significant funds for the public purse
  • TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak declares “now is the time to start a national conversation about taxing wealth”  

The TUC has called for a national conversation on taxing wealth, as it publishes new analysis today (Friday) which shows a modest wealth tax on the richest 140,000 individuals – which is around 0.3% of the UK population – could deliver a £10.4 bn boost for the public purse. 

The analysis sets out options for taxing the small number of individuals with wealth over £3 million, £5 million and £10 million, excluding pensions.  

The TUC says these options are illustrative examples of what a wealth tax could look like, using Spain’s existing policy as a potential model. 

“It’s time for a national conversation" 

The TUC says it is publishing the analysis to “kickstart a conversation” about tax – with the TUC general secretary Paul Nowak declaring “now is the time to start a national conversation about taxing wealth”. 

According to analysis commissioned by the TUC, conducted by Landman Economics, a cumulative one-off wealth tax (excluding pensions wealth) on: 

  • A wealth threshold of £3 million with a marginal tax rate of 1.7% would yield £2.7 billion (with the tax payable on wealth above £3 million by 142,000 individuals or 0.27% of adults in the UK) 

  • A further wealth threshold of £5 million with a marginal tax rate of 2.1% would yield an additional £3.2 billion (with the tax payable on wealth above £5 million by 48,000 individuals or 0.09% of adults in the UK)  

  • A further wealth threshold of £10 million with a marginal tax rate of 3.5 % would yield an additional £4.6 billion (with the tax payable on wealth above £10 million by 17,000 individuals or 0.02% of adults in the UK). 

Together this could raise more than £10 billion for the exchequer. 

The tax would apply as a marginal rate on wealth and assets above each threshold – in the same way income tax works. For example: 

  • Someone with £3 million wealth would pay nothing. 

  • Someone with £4m wealth would pay tax on £1m of their wealth – paying £17,000.  

  • Someone with £9m would pay tax on £6m of their wealth – paying £118,000 

Analysis reveals that of those with wealth over £3 million (excluding pensions), three quarters derives from wealth other than their primary residence, and over half comes from financial wealth: 

  • Net financial (non-pension) wealth: 53.3%  

  • Primary residence: 23.6% 

  • Other residences: 18.7% 

  • Physical wealth: 4.4% 

The TUC says further debate is needed on what type of wealth is included in this kind of tax.  

The union body has already called on the government to equalise capital gains tax with income tax which could raise around £14 billion. 

The union body says it is inherently “unfair and unjust” that people who get income from assets or property get off more lightly than someone who relies on work.   

Tale of two Britains 

The TUC says increasing wealth inequality is resulting in a “tale of two Britains”. 

While working people have been “hit by a pay loss of historic proportions” after the longest wage squeeze in modern history, the wealth of multimillionaires and billionaires has boomed. 

Financial wealth over the decade from 2008-10 to 2018-20 increased by around £0.9tn (80 per cent) from £1.1tn to £1.9tn. 

TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak said:  


“It’s time to start a national conversation about how we tax wealth in this country. 


“It is absurd that a nurse pays a bigger share of their income in tax than a city trader does on profits from their investment portfolio. 


“That’s not only fundamentally unfair and unjust – it's bad for our economy too. 


“Our broken tax system means those at the top are hoarding wealth and getting richer and richer, while working people struggle to get by.  


“That is starving our economy of spending – as it’s working people who spend their money on our high streets – and it’s starving our public services of much-needed funds. 


“This research sets out potential options for getting those with the broadest shoulders to pay a fairer share.  


“This is a debate we should not be afraid of having. The Chancellor should use his autumn statement to make sure the wealthiest pay their fair share of tax.” 



Commenting on widening inequality over the past decade, Paul added: 


“Widening wealth inequality means we are seeing a tale of two Britains.  


“While working people are suffering the longest pay squeeze in modern history, the super-rich are coining it in.  


“Porsche sales are at record highs, bankers’ bonuses are at eyewatering levels, and CEO pay is surging.  


“Enough is enough. We need an economy that rewards work – not just wealth.  


“Fair tax must play a central role in rewiring our economy to work for working people.” 

Editors note


The estimates of the potential yield from introducing a one-off wealth tax in Britain were produced by Landman Economics using the UK Wealth and Assets Survey (WAS) data, Round 7 (data collected from April 2018-March 2020).  

The WAS contains information for a sample of around 17,500 households in England, Scotland and Wales on the wealth holdings of individual adults in these households. The wealth components included in the survey are: principal residences; other property including second homes; pension wealth; other net financial wealth (e.g. stocks and shares, savings accounts etc); and physical wealth (e.g. cars and other high-value items such as jewellery and artworks).  

Using a measure of total wealth excluding pension wealth, we identified individuals with wealth holdings in excess of £3m, £5m and £10m and applied the marginal rates shown in the press release to this wealth measure.  

The wealth information in the WAS was uprated to April 2023 levels using HM Land Registry's House Price Index (for property wealth) and nominal GDP data and forecasts from the Office for Budget Responsibility (for other components of wealth). 

- Congress 2023 will be held in the ACC Liverpool (Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool L3 4FP) from Sunday 10 September to Wednesday 13 September. Free media passes can be obtained by visiting and completing an online form. Applications must be completed no later than 12noon on Tuesday 15 August. Any applications received after this date will be processed when possible and may be subject to delay. Late applications will be subject to a £75 + VAT administration fee. Passes will be processed and sent out from the middle of August. For more information, please contact the press office. 
- About the TUC: The Trades Union Congress (TUC) exists to make the working world a better place for everyone. We bring together the 5.5 million working people who make up our 48 member unions. We support unions to grow and thrive, and we stand up for everyone who works for a living. 


TUC press office   
020 7467 1248  


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