We need to take action now if we're going to influence MPs on this Bill. Whichever party your MP is in, you have a part to play in stopping this Bill in its tracks.
If your MP is a Conservative: Use this form to request a meeting with them. Some Conservative MPs have started to voice concerns about the Bill. Meeting your MP to tell them how the Bill will affect you will put pressure on wavering MPs. Let's split the party on this Bill. |
If your MP is Labour, SNP, Lib Dem, Independent, DUP, Plaid or other: Use this form to encourage them to publicly support the right to strike. In it's first vote, Labour MPs voted unanimously against this Bill. So did the SNP, the Lib Dems, Plaid, and all but one DUP and Independent MP. It's crucial that we secure and maintain their party's support as we go into the next stage of the Bill. |
Soon, MPs will vote again. When that happens, there needs to be no doubt that working people want the Bill gone.
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