Failure to pay wages for work done is an unauthorised deduction from wages. If the matter cannot be resolved, you are entitled to make a claim to an employment tribunal.
Failure to pay wages – in full and on time – is also a fundamental breach of the employment contract.
The first step, before bringing any tribunal claim, is to go through Acas Early Conciliation. Acas should contact your employer to explain to them that wages must be paid when due. Sometimes, intervention from an outside party such as Acas is all that is needed to persuade your employer that wages must be paid without delay.
If Acas conciliation fails to get a result, you can issue an employment tribunal claim.
There are strict time limits involved and you must not delay as the deadline is very short – only three months from the date of the deduction. If you don't follow the correct process, or if you delay and miss the deadline, you will not be able to bring your claim.
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