Unions can use the Great Jobs Agenda to negotiate with employers to improve things. And we can all campaign together for government action to make every job a great job.
Do you want to know how your job matches up to the Great Jobs Agenda? Then do the Great Jobs Audit !
It’s a series of easy questions that will tell you how well your workplace is doing – and where it needs to get better. It’s for individual workers and union branches too – and it will help everyone see what needs to change for every job to be a great job.
Which bits of the Great Jobs Agenda aren’t in place at your workplace? How do you think you can get them? Are you able to table them for discussion with
management – perhaps as part of the next annual pay negotiations?
Why not write to your local elected representatives and ask them to sign up to the Great Jobs Agenda? Your local council could pass a motion, and invite a trade union speaker to talk about making every job a great job in your town, city or borough. Maybe your MP could ask a parliamentary question? Or perhaps your local mayor could put pressure on local companies? Download a model motion to use with your councillors.
Why not make more people aware of the Great Jobs Agenda – and sign up some new union members while you’re at it? There are hundreds of ways to raise awareness – from writing to your local paper to holding a street stall in the centre of town. And why not ask other local groups like trades councils or political parties if they would like a speaker at their next meeting? And it’s always worth telling your Twitter followers and Facebook friends about the campaign.
We know that union reps do great work – and we’d love to tell those stories. Have you won a pay rise, better benefits or more rights for people to have a say in your workplace? Or maybe you’ve won the right to regular hours for everyone? Whatever your success story, please tell us at the TUC! We’re always looking for great stories of unions delivering for their members. Email us at campaigns@tuc.org.uk or tweet us at @the_TUC
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