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Disabled Workers Conference - Supporting our exhibitors

Due to the conference taking place online, our usual exhibitors will not be able to use the opportunity to fundraise or advertise their activities. Please offer your support by taking time to visit their websites below.


Where do you go when you want to buy a book? A union-busting corporation or a socialist bookshop? Bookmarks is the largest socialist bookshop in Britain.
And we don't just sell from our shop in London, we go out and about to provide bookstalls at events across the country, from Tolpuddle to major demonstrations. We send books across the world and offer a full mail order service for individuals and trade unions.

Chronic Illness Inclusion Project 

Chronic Illness Inclusion is a grassroots Disabled People’s Organisation on a mission to change policies and perceptions around energy limiting conditions and chronic pain. One in three disabled people has an energy limiting condition yet too often we are identified as ‘ill’, rather than disabled, or worse, we are suspected of faking or cheating. This means our disability rights, at work and in society, lag far behind. Join us to help raise our voices and fight for equal rights 


DPAC was formed by a group of disabled people after The Disabled Peoples’ Protest in Birmingham, England on 3 October 2010. Led by disabled people, this was the first mass protest against austerity cuts and their impact on disabled people DPAC is for everyone who believes that disabled people should have full human rights and equality. It is for everyone that refuses to accept that any country can destroy the lives of people just because they are or become disabled or have chronic health issues.

It is for everyone against government austerity measures which target the poor while leaving the wealthy unscathed. It is for everyone who refuses to stay silent about the injustices delivered by wealthy politicians on ordinary people and their lives.


Disability Wales

Disability Wales/Anabledd Cymru is the national association of disabled peoples organisations in Wales striving to achieve the rights and equality of all disabled people.

We promote the adoption and implementation of the Social Model of Disability, which identifies that it is environmental, organisational, and attitudinal barriers that disable people and prevent their full participation in society not their medical conditions or impairments. We engage members in campaigns, consultations, research and policy development in order to influence the development of government policy and practice, in respect of disabled people. We provide information, training and support to members across Wales through social media as well as conferences, seminars and events. 

Greater Manchester Disabled People’s Panel

The GMDPP is made up of 13 DPO's from across Greater Manchester and is convened by the GM Coalition of Disabled People after an agreement with GM Mayor Andy Burnham. It is the first of its kind in the UK and seeks to influence policy at the highest strategic level to improve the lives of disabled people in the City Region.

NUBSLI (National Union of British Sign Language Interpreters)

NUBSLI is a branch of Unite the union, founded by interpreters and translators to challenge the downward pressure on sign language interpreting and translation provision. We stand up for interpreters and translators and we stand with deaf communities. In 2020 we launched a campaign called “Rights Reclaim” to support deaf communities and BSL/English interpreters and translators to fight back against the threats to deaf people’s rights and the BSL/English interpreting and translation profession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Currently NUBSLI is involved in trying to gain union recognition for employed members working with the SLI group/ SignVideo doing video relay work which has become more widespread since the pandemic. NUBSLI has also been committed to addressing concerns around Access to Work payment delays to BSL/ English interpreters/translators and the impact on deaf employees.

Thompsons Solicitors

Thompsons only works for the injured and mistreated and never for those who cause harm - or their insurers. We have won numerous landmark cases which have helped further the rights of disabled workers; establishing an employer’s duty to consider their workers’ personal characteristics, that employers make reasonable adjustments for disabled workers when applying sickness absence policies and ensuring that those injured at work with a long-term disability get extra compensation for loss of future earning capacity. Our experts also ran the test cases that established the national deafness and COPD schemes.

WinVisible (women with visible & invisible disabilities)

We’re a grassroots multi-racial organisation based on self-help and peer support. Visit our blog for our disability rights info and campaigns.

We bring together disabled women who are

  • UK-born and immigrant, refugee and asylum-seekers;
  • mums and family carers; 
  • older and younger;
  • LGBTQ+ and more.

We campaign for money and resources to enable independent living, and a living wage for all who do care work for ourselves and others, including family carers. We’re part of the Global Women’s Strike and Green New Deal for Europe campaign for a Care Income which brings together caring for people and for the environment – you can endorse here. We want all workers, mothers especially, to get financial support under COVID, and full pay when taking time off to look after sick or disabled relatives.

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