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This is a live record of adjustments agreed between a worker and their manager to support them at work because of a health condition, impairment or disability. The passport supports members and their reps to work with employers to ensure that up-to-date, appropriate, practical and correct reasonable adjustments are in place.

The passporting system means that disabled members who move roles, or their line manager changes, do not have to re-explain or renegotiate their reasonable adjustments.

Section 1 of this document explains:

  • the benefits of a reasonable adjustments disability passport
  • how passports work
  • why you should negotiate passports in your workplace.

Download model reasonable adjustment disability passports policy (pdf) and a model passport (pdf).

The reasonable adjustment disability passport system will help you and your members by putting in place a workplace process that supports all disabled staff members and helps eliminate barriers to full workplace participation.

It will ensure their reasonable adjustments are put in place and kept up to date, in line with changes in job role or fluctuations in members’ conditions. For some workers who have fluctuating conditions, additional steps can be spelt out regarding short-term flexibility required within the overall reasonable adjustments passport framework.

It will also make it easier for employers to comply with the law.

This document is written for trade union workplace reps; however, it will also be useful and informative for members.

What is a reasonable adjustments passport?
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