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Holocaust Memorial Day 2024

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Freedom is fragile, and we must not take it for granted. That is the theme of this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day, marked on 27 January.

Holocaust Memorial Day is a time to remember the millions murdered during the Holocaust, under Nazi persecution, and in the genocides which followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. 

We must all commit ourselves to learn the lessons of the past and build a safer future for everyone.  

Just over ninety years ago, in 1933, the Nazis banned free trade unions. In doing so, they removed a bastion of democracy and opposition to totalitarianism that stood in their way. And this helped enable murder on a scale never seen before – the Holocaust, which culminated in the murder of six million Jewish men, women and children by the Nazis and their collaborators.  

We encourage every trade unionist to mark Holocaust Memorial Day – at home, in workplaces and union branches, and in their communities.  

This year, everyone is invited to take part in the national moment, Light the Darkness. At 8pm on 27 January people across the UK will safely light candles in their windows, to remember those who were murdered for who they were, and stand against prejudice and hatred today.  

Across the country, iconic buildings and landmarks will light up purple during this powerful national moment of commemoration and solidarity. As part of this, the TUC will light up Jacob Epstein’s powerful sculpture at the home of the trade union movement, Congress House. And I will represent the trade union movement at the national commemoration on 24 January.  

And we will continue our work to oppose racism and fascism. On 20 February, we will launch a report “How the far-right exploits crisis to divide us” and our 2024 anti-fascist programme at an event at Congress House. All trade unionists are welcome.  

This Holocaust Memorial Day, we can all reflect on how freedom is fragile. As we come together as trade unionists and in our communities, let’s pledge not to take our freedoms for granted, and consider what we can do to strengthen freedom around the world. 

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