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TUC archive collection and library collection

The Modern Records Centre - University of Warwick

The Modern Records Centre, located on the campus of the University of Warwick, provides access to a wide variety of unique material, which is made available in its supervised searchroom. Its archives relate principally, but not exclusively to industrial relations. They include the historical records of trade unions, employers' associations and a variety of political organisations and pressure groups.

The TUC Archive was first deposited in the late 1980s, compromising the contents of the TUC Registry from the Registry’s formation in the early 1920s to the end of 1960. Further deposits have since been made, bringing the Archive up to 2022, and the TUC will continue to make deposits in the future on a decade by decade basis.

The deposited files include correspondence (incoming, outgoing and internal), reports, minutes, agreements, background documentation and collected documents, including printed items. The collection records the growth and development of the TUC, its relationship with affiliated unions, government. The collection does not include official TUC publications, which are held at the TUC Archive Library at London Metropolitan University.

The archive is open to researchers without need for prior permission from the TUC. Warwick University website offers a detailed summary description of the material, as well as information about using the centre

TUC Library Collections - London Metropolitan University

The Library is a major research resource for the study of all aspects of trade unions, industrial relations, lifelong learning and people at work.

Other Library collections include:

  • The Workers’ Educational Association Library and Archive
  • Marjorie Nicholson Collection from the TUC International Department between 1955 and 1972
  • The Gertrude Tuckwell Collection 1890–1921, with the Women’s Trade Union League
  • The Labour Research Department Library and Archive
  • Federation of Worker Writers and Community Publishers Exhibitions available for loan include: Miners’ Strike, Russian Revolution, Workers United (150th anniversary of TUC) and Young Workers and Unions.

Find out more about TUC Library Collections


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