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About this resource

We always have a very strong response for the Organising Academy Award and Diploma Course so we have now scheduled two new courses through The Manchester College.

Who is this course for?

Organising Academy courses are designed for union officers and staff directly employed by TUC affiliated unions rather than activists or reps.

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I feel inspired and motivated to move forward with developing my own organising strategy for my project after taking this course

If you would like to nominate members of staff to attend any of these Organising Academy courses, please complete the registration forms below.

For further enquires please email Charlie Pullinger

The Organising Academy Award in Supporting Organising

This course is for those union staff members in administrative and other support roles who would benefit from a deeper understanding of core organising practices and their implications for the way that unions operate. For many reps and members, this may be the only contact they have with paid union staff. This course, over three days, gives support colleagues the skills and knowledge needed to support organising work.

The course covers

  • understanding organising
  • working with members
  • effective communication

New dates for the three-day course in Spring term 2025:

18, 19 and 20 March 2025. These course dates will be delivered online.

Course cost
£200 per person

To apply for either of the above course dates, please complete this online form.

For more information please email

Limited places available for this course

The Organising Academy Diploma in Organising

This course is for union officers who would like to take up an organising role or have been undertaking an organising role within their union. Set over 16 days, the course explores the key skills and knowledge required to run successful organising campaigns.

The course covers

  • essential skills for organising
  • research for organising
  • developing the organising team
  • campaigning

There will also be several optional modules

New course dates 2025:

Module 1 (Classroom) – 03 to 06 March 2025

Module 2 (Online) – 22 to 25 April 2025

Module 3 (Online) – 19 to 22 May 2025

Module 4 (Classroom) – 30 June - 03 July 2025

Course Cost: £995.00 per person

To apply for either of the above course dates, please complete this online form

Limited places available for this course



The course has provided me with a great deal of food for thought and some steer in re-evaluating what I’m doing with my life, what’s important and what changes I need to make or consider making.

Wonderful to have the time and space to learn about history of the movement as well as modern trends in trade unionism – membership data; legislation changes and reaction; internationalism.

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