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About this resource


Involving workers in health and safety issues leads to better workplaces. And if you do it right, you'll make your union stronger.

This is an interactive resource available for anyone who wants to consider how to make their workplace safer through building a strong union.

Who is this interactive guide for?

The Health and safety and organising interactive guide is for union reps who want to establish or increase the presence of the union. By increasing the number of members and activists involved in health and safety, issues improvements will be achieved and the workplace will become a safer place for all.

How will it help me?

This guide will:

  • explain why health and safety is a particularly good issue for organising
  • describe methods for using health and safety to recruit new members and activists in your workplace
  • explain the importance of teamwork, workplace mapping and building a network.

How do I complete it?

All you need is an internet-enabled mobile device (a phone or tablet) or a computer. Do as little or as much as you like each time you log on — your progress will always be saved. Next time you log on just pick up where you left off, this one will take you about 15-30 minutes to complete. 

Upon completion of this guide, you will receive a digital credential as proof that you have done this e-learning. You will receive this via email (from the TUC via Acclaim), so please keep a look out for it. 

What is a digital credential?

A digital credential is evidence that you have completed the learning. You can share your credential with your union colleagues or employer to show them what you know.

Find out more about TUC digital credentials.

(You may have to register/login to access the guide)


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