Monday 2 November 2015, 2.30pm onwards
This November MPs will vote on the government’s controversial trade union bill, which threatens the basic right to strike for UK workers.
Shortly before the vote, on the afternoon of Monday 2 November, hundreds of people from all over the country will gather in London to meet their MPs. This is a big opportunity to make sure our MPs hear directly from people worried by the government’s plans to undermine the right to strike and to restrict pickets and protests.
We’re working to make the whole process as easy as possible, and will support constituents all the way. Following a nearby rally in Central Hall, you’ll go with others to see your local MP in the House of Commons
As part of the TUC's campaign to stop the government’s trade union bill we want MPs to hear directly from their constituents that the bill threatens the right to strike. Employers will be able to break strikes by bringing in agency workers to cover for strikers. This could risk public safety and impact on the quality of services. And the bill also proposes new heavy-handed restrictions on picketing and protests. Threatening the right to strike tilts the balance in the workplace too far towards the employers- and that will mean workers can’t stand up for decent services and safety at work, or defend their jobs or pay.
Every MP should recognise that their constituents have a right to lobby them whether or not you voted for them. You can lobby your MP either in Parliament or at the constituency surgery which most MPs will organise on a regular basis. If they don’t have regular surgeries, they will usually list a phone number on their website where you can make an appointment to see them.
If you are coming to the lobby on the 2 November you should contact your MP in advance. The best way to contact your MP is to write to him or her at the House of Commons, Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA. Most MPs also use email, and should treat emails in the same manner as a letter. You can find out your MP’s email address at the following website:
Follow the links to MPs and Lords and then find your MP. All MPs have already received a letter from the TUC about the lobby, so should be aware of the event. So keep your letter simple and polite, perhaps just stating that you will be coming, asking for a meeting. It is always useful to make it clear in the letter that you are a constituent of the MP. It is also worth giving your MP your mobile number, if you have one. This may help them track you down on the day. You can also suggest meeting your MP in the Committee Room allocated to your region.
If you’d like to join us and meet your MP in Westminster, or if you’re interested to hear more, sign up below and we'll keep you in the loop with the latest information and actions you can take.
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