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Organisation and Services Department
Job title
Head of Organising, Services and Learning
Headshot Kevin Rowan

Kevin Rowan was the Regional Secretary of the Northern TUC for 10 years before taking on the role of Head of Organisation and Services Department (OSD). Kevin is also Director of unionlearn, the TUC’s learning and skills organisation responsible for union learning, the Union Learning Fund (ULF) and TUC Education; the TUC’s extensive programme of workplace representatives’ training.

Kevin began working life in the VSEL shipyard of Barrow in Furness, becoming a trade union representative shortly before his 18th birthday.

Kevin joined Preston College in 1995 and was part of the team which established the Carlisle Trade Union Education Unit and moved to join GMB Northern as Education and Research Officer in 1997, becoming Regional Secretary of the Northern TUC in July 2002.

Kevin represents the TUC on the Regional Skills Partnership, the Regional ERDF Programme Monitoring Committee and is a board member of NORCARE and Equality North East and a member of the North East Economic Forum.

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