This year, HeartUnions week is also raising awareness of our campaign, Unions Make Work Pay. Working people need change, and unions have long campaigned for higher pay and stronger rights. Now, with the government’s Make Work Pay plan progressing through Parliament — developed with unions and set to be the biggest upgrade of workers’ rights in a generation — we are closer than ever to real transformation. This proves the power of unions, which not only drive change in Westminster but also secure better wages nationwide; union members earn significantly more over their lifetimes and have won major pay rises across sectors. If you want to make work pay, it’s time to join a union.
1. Run a workplace event, rally, or a street stall
Highlight the good work unions do. Sign up here, and you’ll receive everything you need to get started.
2. Join an event near you
Each year, people across the country run events during HeartUnions Week to highlight why trade unions are essential for everyone in the workplace. Find an event near you.
Unionreps webinar: strategies for member recruitment
Join our free webinar on Thursday 13 February, 14:30 -15:30. Connect with fellow reps, exchange ideas and explore how these challenges can be used as powerful tools to recruit new members and strengthen your union branch.
3. Order your HeartUnion merchandise
If you are organising HeartUnions events in your workplace or community, you can order HeartUnions materials and merchandise here, or contact your TUC regional office.
4. Use #HeartUnions
Use the hashtag to speak out loudly and proudly: if you want to make work pay, it’s time to join a union. And keep up with what the TUC and unions are saying, and share what you’re up by using the hashtag.
5. Inspire others to become union members
It's always good to join a union that's already active where you work - ask your colleagues, or look for information on your union website or on staff web pages.
Some jobs have unions that look after them specifically. Other jobs don’t – but they are looked after just as well by general unions, who have specialist sections.
If you’re confused about which union to join, our online union finder will help you find the right one.
There’s strength in numbers. So why not see if your friends and colleagues at work want to join up to a union too, and all do it together.
We have a collection of heartunions resources for you to download and use throughout the week. We also have pens, mugs, t-shirts and badges you can purchase from our online shop. Get your Heartunions material .
If you want to order in bulk you can order from our online shop or speak to your union officer. If you need heartunions material in Welsh, please contact
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