TUC Cymru Health and Safety Reps Network
This event has ended
Event details
Thu, 11 Jul 2024 - 10:00 to 12:00

Join us at this new network which will bring together health and safety reps and other trade unionists with an interest in improving workplace health, safety and wellbeing. The network will include opportunities to hear from experts, learn from each other and gain valuable knowledge to enhance your role as a safety rep.

The first meeting of the network takes place online on Thursday 11th July from 10 am - 12 noon.


Speakers for the first network session will include:

  • Shelly Asquith - TUC Health, Safety and Wellbeing Officer 
  • Janet Newsham - Chair, Hazards Campaign
  • Ceri Williams - Policy Officer, TUC Cymru

What will be covered?

The event will include essential updates on key health and safety national campaigns from the TUC and the Hazards Campaign. It will also cover important developments within Wales with new opportunities for worker voice to be heard through health and safety structures within social partnership. You'll also be able to find out more about opportunities to participate in some important new research on health and safety enforcement in Wales.

There will be an opportunity for reps to discuss their own current workplace health and safety issues and concerns and to share advice, resources and support.

The network event will be co-chaired by Carol Revell (PCS health and safety rep) and Jo Rees (TUC Cymru Education Officer).

Who is it for?

Whether you're an experienced health and safety rep or just developing a new interest and keen to find out more, the TUC Cymru health and safety network is a great place to expand your network, exchange ideas, and stay updated on the latest issues in the union movement. The network has been set up with health and safety reps in mind but is open to all reps (union reps, learning reps, green reps, equality reps) and any union members who want to learn more.

How to register

You can use this link to register https://forms.office.com/e/0kA76Kmgiq  or the button near the top of this page

Why is the network being set up?

This year, 2024, marks both 50 years since the establishment of TUC Cymru and 50 years since the introduction of Health and Safety at Work Act. TUC Cymru is proud to set up this new network in this anniversary year. We hope the network will help reps connect across the movement in Wales and help build on all the progress that trade unionists have made in making workplaces safer over the last 50 years.

TUC Cymru would like to thank the Hazards Campaign for their support of this new network.

Time off to attend

Reps attending this event are entitled to reasonable paid time off from work. Talk to your employer about paid release. If you have any difficulties obtaining release, please speak to your union officer.

Code of conduct

The TUC is committed to organising activities at which everyone can participate in an inclusive, respectful and safe environment.

The TUC has zero tolerance for any type of harassment, including sexual harassment. Aggressive, offensive, intimidatory, disrespectful or unacceptable behaviour or comments will not be tolerated. This supports the commitment set out in the TUC’s rules to promote equality for all and to eliminate all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment, prejudice and unfair discrimination. This policy applies to all aspects of communication at or in connection with an event, including postings on social media.  If you have any concerns about behaviour that you want to raise then please contact us by email wtuc@tuc.org.uk or tel 029 2034 7010.



We want everyone attending TUC events to have a safe and enjoyable experience. If you require any adjustments or assistance to participate at this event, please let us know.