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1 year on from George Floyd's murder - mobilising meeting
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Event details
Mon, 17 May 2021 - 18:00 to 19:15

TUC and Stand Up To Racism, mobilising meeting for a week of action: 1 year on from George Floyd's murder

#BlackLivesMatter - Fighting for antiracist workplaces #TakeTheKnee

One year on from the murder of George Floyd the fight for justice continues in the US and the UK.

While the British government denies institutional racism the Covid-19 crisis has seen black front line workers and communities suffer disproportionately - while black communities still face disproportionate policing and not one police officer has ever been prosecuted in connection to deaths in custody.

On 25 May - the day of the anniversary of George Floyd’s death the TUC & SUTR want to take the fight against institutional racism into every workplace across Britain, with #TakeTheKnee in every workplace 

Come to the meeting to get organised for the day.

25 May #TakeTheKnee

You can see the full details of what's happening across the week of action on 17, 22 and 25 May here

We are encouraging all union colleagues to promote and take part in the TUC's call for members to #TakeTheKnee in workplaces on Tuesday 25 May - the actual anniversary of Floyd's death. 

A full graphics pack, with options for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram can be used here


Can you support the day of action by doing the following:

  1. Call on members/branches/regions - via your email lists, website and social media platforms - to organise to #TakeTheKnee actions in workplaces on Tuesday 25 May, and take photos and videos
  2. Call on branches and members to take part in the 6pm Twitterstorm on 25 May, posting all photos and videos and comments from their #TakeTheKnee actions at 6pm, using #TakeTheKnee and #UKisNotInnocent and please also do so from any national social media accounts
  3. If possible, produce a short video supporting the week of action and drawing the links between the watershed moment of the #BlackLivesMatter movement sparked by Floyd's murder, and Chauvin's verdict, and the ongoing institutional racism, deaths in custody and disproportionate Covid deaths here in Britain, and share on social media using #TakeTheKnee #UKisNotInnocent

Speakers include

  • Kevin Courtney NEU join general secretary
  • Roger McKenzie Unison Assistant general secretary.
  • Mark Serwotka PCS general secretary
  • Harish Patel Unite national officer for equalities
  • Rehana Azam GMB general secretary
  • Wilf Sullivan TUC Race Equality Officer
  • Shavanah Taj TUC Wales general secretary
  • Glen Hart RMT black members committee chair
  • Amit Malde FBU black members committee chair


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