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Tools to start an online campaign

Start your campaign with the TUC’s Megaphone platform.

The TUC runs the online platform This free tool for TUC affiliated unions lets you quickly and easily set up online actions and grow support for your campaign.

Online petitions

Petitions are the quickest and easiest way to mobilise your community in support of your dispute. You can demonstrate clearly to employers that you have public support, but also build and communicate with a list of people who want to help you win.

Start a petition now at Megaphone

Email campaigns, fundraising and events

Megaphone can also help your supporters send direct messages in support of your members. It makes organising protests and events at multiple sites easy. And we can help and advise on running strike funds and hardship funds online to back up workers taking the last resort of industrial action.

Read more about StrikeFunder

Get in touch about your dispute

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