Dyddiad cyhoeddi

Commenting on today’s Welsh Government Draft Budget statement, Wales TUC General Secretary Martin Mansfield said:

“This is a hugely challenging time for all who believe in social justice and quality public services.

“Since 2010 the Welsh Government has worked with us in good faith to mitigate the impact of UK cuts - saving thousands of jobs and protecting services in Wales. But the UK Government has slashed our finances by £1.7bn a year in order to pursue their austerity ideology – on top of Wales already being under funded due to the Barnett formula.

“The Welsh Government approach is prioritising the best use of the resources left available to them.  It will be a very difficult process but we will try to support them in that effort.

“All public service employers must play their full part in holding together our Welsh public service ethos.  There must be no knee jerk moves towards pay cuts, job cuts and privatisation.  We must seek an agreed way forward through social partnership together.

“Welsh trade unions will work with employers and government in finding solutions which will protect our cherished public services and maintain the important economic stimulus provided by public sector employment.

“But let no one seek to blame the difficulties we now face on anyone except the Tory and Lib Dem government in London.”



Alex Bevan T: 02920 347010 M: 07912851929 E: abevan@tuc.org.uk