The fourth Wales TUC Greener Workplaces Network focused on international study of Just Transition and practical steps of green skills. A big thank you to all the reps who took part. The session included:

Participants have done a small exercise to see what they are thinking of Just transition. They shared their answer with their mobile to the question: If you were to describe Just Transition to someone else – for example your members – what words would you use? Every person can enter up to 5 answers. We used Mentimeter for the word Cloud. The activity aimed to put ourselves in someone’s shoes. And try to make an easy way to describe Just transition. 

We moved to Felix, Adviser of European Trade Union Confederation, to share about latest study on transition to circular economy, ‘Circular Economy and World of Work’

Then , over to Deri Bevan, policy officer of Wales TUC, to share about practical steps to secure skills training and transition agreements for workers. 

After the Q&A session with 2 speakers, we move to breakout into smaller groups for group discussion. This time we have shared our ideas of these questions: 
a. What is the biggest concern on protecting members jobs as the world of work becomes greener?  
b. What is your opinion on the green skills which workers require and your idea about skills training?  
c. Have union branches set up any plans to deal with those issues?