We are an independent policy, research and development organisation dedicated to lifelong learning, full employment and inclusion. We research what works, influence policy, develop new ways of thinking, and help implement new approaches.

Working with partners, we inspire people to learn and help transform people’s experiences of learning and employment. What we do benefits individuals, families, communities and the wider economy.

We want everyone to have an opportunity to realise their ambitions and potential in learning, work and throughout life. We believe a better skilled workforce, in better paid jobs, is good for business, good for the economy, and good for society.  We want learning and work to count.

Our vision is for a prosperous and fair society in which learning and work provide opportunities for everyone to realise their potential and ambitions throughout life.

Our priority areas are:

  • Lifelong learning
  • Employment, progression and social security
  • Essential and life skills
  • Apprenticeships and vocational education
  • Adult Learners’ Week
  • Inspire! awards

Adult Learners’ Week


Adult learning can broaden horizons, build your networks, and open doors, it’s your chance to make a fresh start. Whether you are looking for a new direction, boost confidence, to brush up on your skills, improve your job opportunities, seek some advice and guidance on a qualification, or you may simply want to learn something new. Adult Learners’ Week is free and for everyone.

Inspire! Awards


The Inspire! awards celebrate the achievements of exceptional individuals, families, community projects and organisations who have shown outstanding passion, commitment and drive to improve themselves, their community or workplace through learning.