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The aim of this toolkit is to provide information to help union officers and reps in Wales to improve disability equality in the workplace and represent disabled members, including those with non-visible or ‘hidden’ impairments. It aims to help reps to address workplace issues and barriers that can create problems for disabled workers.
It provides tools and ideas to help union reps tackle discrimination as well as examples of good practice. This toolkit is also a resource for the Wales TUC’s Disability and ‘Hidden’ Impairments in the Workplace course.
The toolkit and course have been developed by the Wales TUC in response to a survey we carried out which found that many disabled workers want to see a change in the way that disability is treated at work. The Wales Trades Union Congress (Wales TUC) exists to make the working world a better place for everyone. We want Wales to become a fair work nation.
With 49 member unions and over 400,000 members in Wales, the Wales TUC has a key role in raising issues that affect disabled people in the workplace. We support unions to grow and thrive, and we stand up for everyone who works for a living. Join us.
Disability and ‘Hidden’ Impairments in the Workplace course
This two-day course has been designed for trade union reps and aims to create greater awareness of disability equality issues in the workplace (including issues facing workers with ‘hidden’ impairments).
Work with disabled members to tackle discrimination and campaign for greater disability equality in the workplace. Contact for information about courses running in your area. A supporting eNote (an online briefing for reps) is available at