Anti-racism in the workplace - a toolkit for union reps
As a trade union movement, we want to see anti-racist workplaces. This means taking active steps to achieve this. Systemic racism is already a part of workplace culture and so workplaces need to work to dismantle it.
This toolkit highlights ways of doing this in partnership with unions, but there are things that we can all do in our personal journeys too.
Trade unions are at the forefront of making sure that workplaces deliver good quality, fair work for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic workers.
This means safe workplaces, where:
Voices of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic workers are respected, listened to, and acted upon
Pay is fair, collectively bargained and rises in relation to inflation
Terms and conditions are favourable to workers, don’t discriminate disproportionally and don’t rely on zero- hour or gig economy conditions
Progression, development, and learning is factored into the worker experience so that all workers can develop their skills and grow within a workplace
Workplaces are active in preventing racism, and in dealing with it quickly, effectively and through a trauma-led approach when it does happen.
In our efforts to champion the rights of all workers in a safe and respectful workplace, we must work to bring about and embed a cultural change that promotes a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of discrimination and abuse on race bases.
We do this whilst cultivating an environment that validates and empowers those that have experienced race discrimination to come forward and seek support.
In this toolkit, you will find information and support to help you:
Identify workplace race discrimination and offer effective support to those who experience it
Understand the legalities around workplace race discrimination
Navigate conversations and negotiations with employers on behalf of members who have experienced workplace race discrimination
Hold employers to their legal responsibility to prevent race discrimination from happening in workplaces
Campaign for a zero-tolerance approach to workplace race discrimination through various preventative measures
This toolkit is also supported by a 10-point plan, which is a shorter version of the practical steps that can be taken in the workplace.