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TUC President Leslie Manasseh joined the leader of the German trade union movement, DGB President Reiner Hoffman, to address the annual May Day rally at the Brandenburg Gate in the heart of Berlin. Here is an edited version of what he said.

I am proud to join you on May Day in this magnificent setting. Proud to bring greetings from the TUC and my own union Prospect. And proud to bring solidarity from six million trade union members in the UK.

The TUC and DGB have a very close friendship. The largest trade union movements in Europe. Sharing the same values. Pursuing the same goals.

Last year Reiner addressed our annual Congress. So it is a huge pleasure for me to return the favour today.

And my message is simple. We need to stick together. Fight together. And win together.

Comrades, today is our day. The day when we celebrate what unites us as trade unionists. When we reaffirm the bonds between workers by hand or by brain. Women workers and men. Young and old.

When we demand justice, fairness and equality for working people the world over. When we reject both the economics of the free market and the politics of hatred and extremism.

Brothers and sisters, trade unionism unites us, regardless of race, religion or nationality. The interests of German workers and British workers are one and the same.

We want a fair reward for our labour. Respect and a voice at work. And a strong welfare system to look after us.

Friends, there is much we in Britain can learn from how you do things in Germany. We want workers to have more of a say in the running of their companies. We want a strong manufacturing base delivered through smart industrial strategy. And we want decent wages for all, not just those at the top.

Next Thursday, we have a general election in the UK. The outcome will shape my country for a generation to come. I hope and believe we will have a new Labour government. But whatever the outcome, trade unions will continue to campaign for change.

We believe three decades of free-market ideology have failed working people. Austerity has proved to be a cure that was worse than the disease. From Britain and Germany to Spain and Greece, our continent needs a new economy, and a new politics.

We need to change the terms of the political debate.

In Britain, there are people who want to see us leave the European Union, or turn it into a free market without workers’ rights. The same people who want a Brexit would be happy at the other corner of Europe to see a Grexit too. These choices are not the only options. They are unacceptable.

We need instead a more social Europe. A more democratic Europe. A Europe that is run not for the super rich, the banks or the large corporations, but for ordinary workers.

That is why the TUC and the DGB are united in demanding a sustainable investment plan for Europe. And a Financial Transactions Tax to control high frequency trading and casino-style short-termism.

It is why British and German unions are so opposed to Investor-State Dispute Settlement in trade deals. We say no to special treatment for foreign investors, undermining democratic decision-making.

Instead we want a better Europe. A Europe that works for ordinary people like us. Economies with good jobs. Strong rights. And better wages.

Last year we marched in London under the slogan “Britain needs a pay rise.” But Germany needs a pay rise too. In fact all of Europe needs a pay rise. Higher wages would restore sustainable growth. They would raise living standards. They would make our economy fairer.

Brothers and sisters, I’ll finish on this note.

In Germany, in the UK, and elsewhere, there’s never been more need for strong trade unions. On this May Day, let’s be proud of what we achieve for working people. More equality. More justice. More fairness.

That’s the trade union difference. Thank you for listening and have a great day.

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