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Reps: share your stories

Help other reps learn by sharing your knowledge and experience with StoryTagger – a phone app that helps you record short, structured selfie videos.
Images of mobile phone video-recording app with easy to follow guides.

Why a selfie video?

When you're developing as a union rep, you can do all sorts of courses, but there's no training like hands-on experience and talking to other reps who've been there, done that. But it's not always easy to connect with the right reps – time, distance, or not knowing who to ask can make it difficult.

Sharing selfie videos is a great way for reps to overcome this, and unlock the gems of knowledge and experience they have. If you've overcome a challenge, why not share it with other reps – it will help them replicate your wins, and avoid your mistakes.

This is where StoryTagger comes in. It's an app that makes it easy to record structured videos on your phone. It's like having a director and interviewer there with you. You choose a topic, it asks you questions and records you in short sections, with prompts, countdowns, and even tips on your lighting. 

Record and share in minutes, but you're in control – reshoot any parts you want, and share only when you're completely happy! 

What to share?

You'll find existing topics to contribute to or you can choose your own. Think about the experiences you've had and what could be useful to share with others – a campaign plan that worked, a negotiation tactic that paid off, or perhaps something you wished you'd known earlier?

Where will my story appear?

We'll share your story via Stream – TUC Education's online learning platform for union reps, and the TUC Education mobile app. We sometimes publish stories on the main TUC website, and your videos will be visible to other reps within the StoryTagger app. Our aim is to feature your story as an example to support training for reps on the topic you've chosen.

Ready to start?

Step 1: download StoryTagger

Scan the QR code or select the button to visit the Apple app store or Google Playa store on your mobile device.

Apple QR code

Apple app store

Google QR code

Google play store


Step 2: Register an account

Launch StoryTagger and register with your email address (or sign in if you've done this already).

Sign up screen from the StoryTagger app.


Step 3: Enter the campaign code

Once registered, sign in. Then select 'Add campaign' and enter the code: MYREPSTORY1

Enter the campaign code in the app.


Step 4: Choose a topic and follow the prompts

Check out the user guide and if you have any questions please contact StoryTagger support: or Ian from TUC Education

Enjoy shooting your selfie video!

StoryTagger gives you prompts and lets you add notes.

Once you've entered the campaign code, choose a topic to speak about and StoryTagger will guide you from there. You select the questions to answer, add notes to help you, and record each segment as often as you like. Don't over-think it. It doesn't have to be polished, but do make sure your audio is as clear and that you're in good light – especially if you're signing BSL. We'll add subtitles too before we publish.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

To access the admin area, you will need to setup two-factor authentication (TFA).

Setup now