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Terremoto: TUC solidarity with Italian unions after devastating earthquake

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Condolences and solidarity for those affected by the Italian earthquake today

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady has today sent the following message to the leaders of the Italian trade union movements CGIL, CISL and UIL, after the terrible death toll from the earthquake in Central Italy.

“Allow me to express – on behalf of the six million trade unionists in the TUC’s unions – our condolences and sympathy for those injured and killed in the devastating earthquake in Central Italy.

“Please also pass on our admiration and solidarity for the workers in the emergency and other services involved in the recovery effort.

“If there is anything you would like me to convey to the leaders and members of the British trade union movement, or anything we can do to help, please let me know.”

Messages have flooded in, for example from the European Trade Union Confederation leader Luca Visentini:

“Our thoughts are with the people who have lost their lives, who have been injured and made homeless their families and loved ones.

“We salute the workers and volunteers who are helping the towns and villages which have been hit. Solidarity is needed immediately and in the coming weeks and months to rebuild lives and communities.” 

The Italian translation of Frances’ message follows:

Permettetemi di esprimervi, a nome del TUC e dei suoi 6 milioni di iscritti, le mie più sentite condoglianze e la mia vicinanza alle vittime del devastante terremoto nel centro Italia.

Vi prego anche di trasmettere la nostra ammirazione e la nostra solidarietà ai lavoratori dei servizi di emergenza e protezione civile impegnati nelle operazioni di soccorso.

Se avete dei messaggi che volete comunicare ai leader sindacali e/o gli iscritti del movimento sindacale inglese, o se c'è qualcosa che possiamo fare possiamo fare per aiutare, vi prego di farmelo sapere.

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