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Programme of Business - Congress 2018

The programme of business for TUC Congress 2018 contains daily debates and timings for Congress.

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Approval of tellers and scrutineers

Introduction of sororal/fraternal delegates and visitors

Obituary and silence for world peace + video

GPC Report: GPC Chair Linda McCulloch

Section 3: Respect and a voice at work
Motion 34 Fighting sexual harassment and discrimination 
Motion 35 Sexual harassment in the music industry
 - Paragraph 3.10 Special feature: Sexual harassment and violence against women
Motion 36 Sexual harassment
Motion 37 We trust women – abortion rights
Motion 38 Equal pay/gender pay gap
 - Paragraph 3.7 Gender pay gap reporting

President’s address and vote of thanks: Moved by Vicky Knight seconded by Dave Ward

Section 3 Respect and a voice at work
Motion 31 Auto-enrolment and the lowest paid 
 - Paragraph 3.13 Pensions

Section 5 Strong unions

Motion 75 Turkey 
 - Paragraph 5.7 Global solidarity
Motion 76 International Labour Organisation 
- Paragraph 1.10 International development
- Paragraph 3.18 Decent work and supply chains
Motion 77 Food security and sustainability
- Paragraph 1.9 Global trade

Address by Luis Pedraza, President CUT

End of session


Music: Musica Colne Valley Senior Guitars


Section 4 Good services
45 Public services outsourcing – lessons from Carillion
46 Public services post Carillion
47 Independent inquiry into privatisation
Paragraph 4.1   Public services
Paragraph 4.3   Outsourcing and privatisation
Paragraph 4.7   Devolution in England
Section 5 Strong unions
71 General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
Paragraph 5.1   Introduction
Paragraph 5.6   Trades councils/UWCs
Paragraph 5.8   Wales TUC
Paragraph 5.9   English regions
 72 Organising fast food workers
Paragraph 5.2   Organising
73 Winning against atypical employment models
Section 3 Respect and a voice at work
69 A new deal for workers +a+a
Paragraph 3.1   Great jobs
Paragraph 3.3   Employment rights and the Great Jobs Agenda
70 Collective voice
Paragraph 3.4   Promoting trade union rights and collective bargaining
Address by the General Secretary
Paragraph 6.5 General Council
General Council Statement on Collective Bargaining

Section 3 Respect and a voice at work
24 Bullying and harassment +a
25 Regulation matters +a
26 Grenfell Tower +a+a
Paragraph 3.14  Health and safety
27 Night working
28 Healthcare workers and workplace violence in prisons +a+a

Address by Shakira Martin - National Union of Students

End of session


Section 5 Strong unions

74 Make 2019 the year of young workers
Paragraph 5.3   Special feature: Young people
Paragraph 3.16  Apprenticeships and young people

Special feature – Reaching young workers and union organising

Section 4 Good services
48 Public sector 
Paragraph 4.2   Public sector pay

Section 2 Brexit
General Council Statement on Brexit
17 Avoiding a cliff-edge Brexit
18 Brexit
19 Option of a public vote on the final Brexit deal
20 Brexit
Paragraph 2.1   Introduction
Paragraph 2.2   Workers’ rights
Paragraph 2.3   Jobs, investment and livelihoods
Paragraph 2.4   Managing migration
Paragraph 2.5   Ireland
Paragraph 2.6   Social Europe
Section 4 Good services
62 Preventing ill health
63 Mental health crisis
64 Mental health 

Address by Andy Kerr – Fraternal delegate from the Labour Party

Section 4 Good services
51 Education funding crisis 
52 School funding
Paragraph 4.6   Education
Paragraph 3.15  Skills
53 Mental health and wellbeing of teachers 
54 The building blocks of a National Education Service 
55 National Education Service
56 Data misuse
57 Music education
58 Education and training for life after football
59 Central role of art and culture in education and communities 
Paragraph 5.4   TUC Education
Paragraph 5.5   Skills at work

End of session


Music: Causeway Brass


Section 1 The economy
Motion 07 Just transition and energy workers’ voice
Motion 08 Fracking
Motion 09 Strategy for a low carbon industrial region

Section 3 Respect and a voice at work

Motion 21 Continuing the fight against insecure work
Motion 22 a better deal for low paid workers
- Paragraph 3.2 Labour market
- Paragraph 3.11 Disabled workers
- Paragraph 3.12 Working lives
Motion 23 Promoting flexible working
- Paragraph 3.8 Working families

Address by Neville Lawrence

- Paragraph 3.5 Equalities

Section 3 Respect and a voice at work

Motion 39 armed forces and LGBT – dishonourable discharge
Paragraph 3.9 LGBT+ equality
Motion 40 austerity, artists and discrimination
Motion 41 Support for gender self-declaration
Motion 42 Justice for the Windrush generation
Motion 43 Campaign to ensure children can access their right to British Citizenship
Paragraph 3.17 Migration
Motion 44 Challenging the politics of hate 
Paragraph 3.6 Race equality

Show Racism the Red Card photo opportunity

End of session

2.15 – 5.30

Video and presentation of Congress awards

Paragraph 5.3 Congress awards

Section 4 Good services

Motion 60 health and social care workers subsidising the NHS
- Paragraph 4.4 NHS
Motion 61 NHS pay

Section 1 The economy
Motion 01 Industrial strategy: an economy for the many
- Paragraph 1.1 Introduction
- Paragraph 1.2 The economy
- Paragraph 1.3 Pay
- Paragraph 1.5 Industrial strategy, environment, energy and creative industries
- Paragraph 1.6 Housing
- Paragraph 1.7 Corporate governance and executive pay
- Paragraph 1.8 Workers’ capital
Motion 02 The future of the retail sector
Motion 03 Save our Steel
Motion 04 local casting
Motion 05 automation
- Paragraph 1.4 Future of work and automation
Motion 06 automation and its impact on black workers

Address by Shadow Chancellor

Section 4 Good services
Motion 10 nationalisation of the railways
Motion 11 high fares and the decline in season ticket sales
Motion 12 Transport: Britain’s railways
- Paragraph 4.8 Transport
Motion 13 The danger of rail freight decline for UK infrastructure
Motion 14 ETF Fair Transport Campaign
Motion 15 Workforce safety in the offshore and maritime industries
Motion 16 Seafarers’ working conditions

Ballot results for the General Council



Section 4 Good services

Motion 68 Grassland fires

Motion 65 Civil service impartiality

Section 3 Respect and a voice at work
Motion 29 Social security
Motion 30 Stop and scrap Universal Credit

Address by the Archbishop of Canterbury

Section 4 Good services

Motion 66 Family justice system in crisis
- Paragraph 4.5 Justice
Motion 67 The transforming rehabilitation counter-revolution

Section 3 Respect and a voice at work
Motion 32 Corporal punishment of children in England
Motion 33 a strategy for children and young people (CYP)
- Paragraph 4.9 Social security

Section 6 TUC administration
Paragraph 6.1 Developing the TUC
Paragraph 6.2 Affiliations and mergers
Paragraph 6.4 Congress
Paragraph 6.6 Working together
Paragraph 6.7 Women’s Conference
Paragraph 6.8 Black Workers Conference
Paragraph 6.9 Disabled Workers Conference
Paragraph 6.10 LGBT+ Conference
Paragraph 6.11 Young Workers Conference
Paragraph 6.12 Trades Union Councils Conference
Paragraph 6.13 TUC finances and Appendix 3
Paragraph 6.14 TUC Library

Any unfinished business

GCR appendix 1: Attendance 2017–18

GCR appendix 2: Committee membership 2017–18

GCR appendix 4: TUC rules and standing orders

GCR appendix 5: TUC General Council statement and guidance on sexual harassment

Adopt General Council’s report
General Council retirements
Presentation of Gold Badge and Congress bell to President


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