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Commenting on the publication of the final report of the Review of Digital Innovation for the Economy and the Future of Work in Wales, Deri Bevan, Wales TUC’s Head of Learning said:

“This report is an important contribution to discussions on the future of work in Wales, identifying significant opportunities and challenges for our workforce and economy. What’s clear is that the collective voice of workers is critical to ensuring the future of work is fairer.  

“We’re pleased that the Review has recognised the role that unions play in supporting firm transformation, and that the social partnership model could be a lever to support digital innovation, job redesign and training initiatives, as well as identifying where there may be jobs at risk and a need for retraining.

We look forward to working with our unions, government and other social partners on how we make this a reality for as many workplaces as possible, including how we may scale the Wales Union Learning Fund as the report suggests.”

The report - Wales 4.0: Delivering Economic Transformation for a Better Future of Work - is available here.