Issue date
We’re deeply concerned by reports that an increasing number of employers are issuing mass redundancy notices. This includes several that have received UK and Welsh government grants and financial support. We are calling on these companies to work with unions to actively support workers during this stressful and uncertain time.

Help for workers worried about redundancy

If you’re worried about being made redundant, know that your union is there to help you through this. You can:

  • Join a union if you’re not already a member
  • Speak to your union rep about the options available to you and how they can help
  • Contact Working Wales for advice about retraining and access to funding through schemes such as ReAct – call 08000284844
  • Contact your union about support from the Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF)
  • Visit our redundancy advice webpage for further information and contact details for more organisation who can help.

Governments need to act to save jobs

If the UK and Welsh Governments do not take bold action now the economic slow-down poses huge risks to people’s jobs and livelihoods. We face the possibility of 11 per cent unemployment rate this year and the poorest in our communities will be hit hardest.

The UK and Welsh Governments should now roll out investment to create jobs. This should include jobs in:

  • high-speed broadband
  • research and development in de-carbonising technology in manufacturing
  • expanding and upgrading the rail network
  • building new social housing and retrofitting existing social houses.

Wales TUC is working in partnership with Welsh Government to ensure that our recovery is as fair, inclusive and equitable as it can be. This will require bold, ambitious action to ensure that as many jobs are retained as possible. Those who do lose their jobs must be able to retrain or find new employment as quickly as possible. We’re also lobbying for an economic stimulus package that will prioritise green jobs and reach all parts of Wales, so that no community is left behind.

At a UK level, we’re working with our TUC colleagues to push the UK Government to provide the necessary funding for Wales to make this a reality. We were very disappointed that the Prime Minister failed to announce any tangible support for Wales on 30 June. We will continue to fight for this investment and a fairer, just social security system.

Read our advice for workers facing redundancy