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From the Mids TUC Pensioners Network

Issue date

As part of on going NHS campaigns and promoting the National Pensioners Convention (NPC) Dignity Code, the Midlands TUC Pensioners Network with the NPC held two campaigning events in the West Midlands. Firstly the group undertook action at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital on Birmingham on October 26th and two days later at Wolverhampton Civic Hall on the 28th January.


Continuing the fight against privatisation in the NHS needed little explanation and hundreds signed our petition to local politicians.

Our petition supporting the Dignity Code which demands that the rights and personal dignity of older people less able to care for themselves is maintained also had a great response. Some gave horror stories but many praised Care Workers who were doing a great job on low pay and on zero hours contracts.

The Dignity Code, although it is primarily about older people, it recognises that workers need dignity too with proper training and work balance.
Some local authorities, GPs and Care Homes have signed up to the Code but more are needed.

These two campaigns intrinsically linked. while workers in Care, the NHS and older people are seen as only a cog in a money making machine our campaigns for Dignity and the NHS must continue. 

Yvonne 'Wash' Washbourne

Midlands TUC Pensioners Network

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