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TUC LESE Transport Industries Network

The Network meets quarterly to discuss transport and travel developments in our region, plus events relevant to the Network and industrial issues. The Network will often host specialist guest speakers on a given transport related topic.

Chair: Roger Sutton (GLATC)

Vice Chair: Collette Gibson (ASLEF)

Secretary: Robert O'Connell (ASLEF)

Assistant Secretary: Colin Hicks (ASLEF)

TUC LESE Meeting Code of Conduct

The TUC is committed to organising activities at which everyone can participate in an inclusive, respectful and safe environment. The TUC has zero tolerance for any type of harassment, including sexual harassment. Aggressive, offensive, intimidatory, disrespectful or unacceptable behaviour or comments will not be tolerated. This supports the commitment set out in the TUC’s rules to promote equality for all and to eliminate all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment, prejudice and unfair discrimination. This policy applies to all aspects of communication at or in connection with an event, including postings on social media.  

If you have any concerns about behaviour that you want to raise then please contact us by email

Meeting Calendar

14 March 2024

020 7467 1218
020 7467 1220

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