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L7 updates

Report type
Policy proposal
Issue date
About L7

The L7 represents national trade union centres from G7 countries. This year, it is coordinated by the Trades Union Congress (TUC), the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC).


L7 assessment of the G7 summit

This assessment reviews the Summit outcomes against L7 demands. 

Download evaluation (pdf)

Labour 7 Statement to the G7 Leaders’ Summit 2021

Trade union leaders across G7 countries have set out their priorities for how G7 leaders can build back better for workers. 

Download Labour 7 Statement to the G7 Leaders’ Summit 2021 (pdf)


Joint B7-L7 statement to the G7 leaders

The L7 and B7 - representing Labour and Business leaders have agreed a joint statement on actions to promote job opportunities, decent work, skills and entrepreneurship. 

Download joint statement (pdf) 

Letter to the Prime Minister

Trade union representatives to the G7 have come together with groups representing civil society, young people and women, to issue a call to action for the Prime Minister focused on decent jobs.

Download letter (pdf)

L7 Summit: Build Back Better with Workers (session recordings)

The L7 summit took place on 26-27 April and assembled voices from the global labour movement and our allies to set out a vision of how to repair our democracies, confront the climate crisis with a just transition, revolutionise access to health care and vaccines, and to build a labour market and economy fit for all.  

Watch the session

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