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CANCELLED - Strike fund benefit comedy gig for HeartUnions week
This event has ended
Event details
Thu, 13 Feb 2020 - 19:30 to 22:00

Congress House
Great Russell Street
United Kingdom

Unwaged £5.00 + £1.00 BF | Standard £10.00 + £1.00 BF


"With great regret TUC LESE has had to cancel this event. It will be re-arranged at a later date. In the meantime TUC LESE is supporting existing ongoing industrial disputes by other means."
Sam Gurney, regional Secretary, TUC: LESE


A star-studded night of comedy to raise funds for present and future struggles for low-paid workers fighting for a living wage, fairness and a voice at work. Come join us!

Be proud to be part of ‘heart unions’ week! In 2020 the campaigning themes for HeartUnions are solidarity and stamping out sexual harassment at work. The HeartUnions campaign belongs to union members and union branches all over the UK. So use the week to raise the profile of your union branch and your workplace priorities in the way that works for your members, activists and work-mates. Be loud, be proud, BE UNION! And come to the comedy gig.

A great line-up of comics including Desiree Burch, Andrew O’Neill, Lauren Pattison and Tiernan Douieb.

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