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Commenting on a speech today (Tuesday) by Iain Duncan Smith on the EU and social justice, TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said:

“He ignored the main Brexit problem everybody else is talking about – the big hit on jobs and wages that most economists predict. Working families have still not fully recovered from the economic crisis, so the last thing they need now is another hit on jobs and pay.”

10 May 2016

Commenting on a speech today (Tuesday) by Iain Duncan Smith on the EU and social justice, TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said:

“This is the man who cut tax credits, who cut disability benefits and who pushed half a million more children into absolute poverty. So we will take no lessons on social justice from the minister for foodbanks.

“He ignored the main Brexit problem everybody else is talking about – the big hit on jobs and wages that most economists predict. Working families have still not fully recovered from the economic crisis, so the last thing they need now is another hit on jobs and pay.”


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