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A web site for every Trades Union Council

Issue date

Internet space for every Trades Union Council and County Association

Leftspace is working with the TUC Organising and Services Department to provide an internet platform of use to local Trades Union Councils as part of

'Unions in the Community' is the website dedicated to the work of the trades union council movement. It brings together news and information relevant to the work of trades councils as well as their contact details.

We are now looking at expanding unionsinthecommunity so that each trades union council has the opportunity to have its own internet space within the website where it can promote local campaigns, put up articles or simply advertise the next meeting of the trades council.

Leftspace and the TUC have developed a dedicated area of unionsinthecommunity for trades union councils all around the country which, once activated, will give each trades council or county association a unique web address and an area of the website for any number of articles and pictures.

Trades union councils and county associations do not have to worry about maintaining the website, the security of the website, or regular backups. All of this is managed centrally and effectively free of charge to local trades union councils.

Leftspace will provide this service exclusive to local trades councils for a one off cost of £50. The package includes:

Domain name of your choice valid for 2 years (normal price £10 for 2 years).

'How to ...' tutorial video showing how to publish an article.

Three 30 minute telephone support sessions, where Leftspace can answer any questions you have.

We are confident that this package will enable any local trades union council volunteer to easily publish content which will enable greater publicity for the work of the trades council or county association. If a trades union council decides to move to a new, entirely independent website, that's not a problem and the trades union council will keep their unique domain name/web address which will work under the trades union council's, or county association's local control.

Leftspace is a small, labour movement dedicated Internet Service Provider built specifically for those local arms of the trade union and labour movement who have very little financial resources themselves and limited access to the necessary technical expertise. As part of this we use free to use Open Source software for maximum flexibility and local ownership and control of your campaign tools. Our work on this Trades Council platform is a further move to reduce the barriers for local volunteers when trying to take advantage of the internet in general.

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