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I am here to speak about the trade union movement’s solidarity, sympathy and concern for the terrible situation facing Alan Henning and his family friends and workmates.

I am here to say as a trade unionist on behalf of the British Trades Union Congress that Alan Henning was doing a remarkable thing in Syria something most of us would not have the courage to do.

He was doing a job of work – unpaid, mind - that was dangerous but honourable.

I am here as a fellow transport worker to express my pride my admiration and my comradeship with a taxi driver from the north of England.

I am here as a Muslim to say that the people who kidnapped Alan and now threaten his life - as they have threatened the lives of hundreds of thousands of other Muslims, Christians and people of all faiths and none – are acting against Islam.

What they are doing is not done in my name, in the name of Islam, and certainly not in the name of Allah.

And I am here as a human being...

As a community activist...

And as a father to urge those who hold the power of life and death over Alan Henning to do the only thing a caring human being could do – let him go let him return to his home and his family.

To Alan we say ‘we want you back safe’.

To his wife Barbara...

We say ‘stay strong for Alan because we are with you.’

We are joined...

We are united...

We are as one.

As Muslims as working people and as trade unionists with our brothers and sisters around the world...

We say Set Alan free and do it now.


There is a verse in the Quran that says if you kill a human being it is as though you have killed the whole of humanity if you save a life it is as though you have saved whole of humanity.

Free Alan and save humanity

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

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